Our Charity

The Lady Garden Foundation is a national women’s health charity, raising awareness and funding for gynaecological health. We started in 2014 and initially funded groundbreaking research into the treatment of these cancers at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Over the last ten years, The Lady Garden Foundation has grown from the initial campaign to yearly events, education programs and funding cutting-edge studies.

Our Strategic Aims



We will EDUCATE women so that they know the signs and symptoms of all five gynaecological cancers - 78% of women don’t know the signs and symptoms.


Research & Treatment

We will continue to fund life-saving RESEARCH & TREATMENT to improve the outcomes of the five gynaecological cancers.

Driving Awareness

We will improve prevention by DRIVING AWARENESS so that every woman takes action because cervical screening saves lives -1 in 4 don’t attend cervical screening appointments.


Breaking Taboo

We will continue to normalise the conversation around gynaecological health. We BREAK TABOOS and shout the loudest.



Who we are