Kay’s Journey

Kay died on 4th June 2021 of vaginal cancer aged 42. She lived a happy life and she was loved dearly.

Kay went to her doctors in April of 2020, when we were all in lock down.  Her GP Surgery initially asked her if she could wait.. she said she didn't think so.  Kay was experiencing pain on intercourse and was experiencing a liquid/watery discharge.

The GP who examined her said straight away she thought Kay had cervical cancer and referred her onwards to Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth.

Kay underwent lots of tests where it couldn't be concluded as to where the initial cancer started, either in her cervix or her vagina - they felt the cervical It was confirmed that Kay had cancer on 22 June 2020, she started treatment after this. Kay initially underwent Chemotherapy at QA - we could not visit or accompany her at all during that time due to Covid.  

In September 2020 she went to have brachytherapy at the Royal Marsden. She said it was painful but the nurses there were amazing.  Following this treatment she could not have any further treatment for 12 weeks afterwards. 

Upon her scan at Christmas of that year, the chemo and brachytherapy had not worked, her tumour became tumours, which had spread to her lymph nodes, liver and spleen.  Kay was given a last blast of treatment and put under palliative care in February 2021.

Kay died at home next to her husband Steve, on 4th June 2021, she left two children Ollie (8 at the time) and Daphne (7).

Kay’s funeral was held on 22nd June 2021, a year to the day of her cancer confirmation.

Kay had a clear cervical smear just a year before.

I would also like to say how fantastic St Wilfreds Hospice in Bosham, Chichester were. So kind and caring to kay and also her husband, Steve.

She lived a happy life and she was loved dearly

We all miss Kay terribly.

Written by Zoe Ruth (Kay’s Little Sister)


Leanne’s Journey


Amy’s Journey