Dr Larisa Corda


I’m an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a specialist interest in Fertility. I’ve always had a big passion for helping women, ever since as a teenager I declared myself a feminist, or someone who believes in gender equalities and the fact that women deserve the same opportunities in life as men. I qualified from Imperial College London and trained both here in the UK and Australia, which allowed me to gain an understanding and appreciation of gynaecological, obstetric and fertility issues across a wide international population. I believe in a holistic approach to supporting and treating a patient, that addresses a myriad of lifestyle factors, and in combining my traditional Western training with the ancient wisdom of Eastern practice. I believe in using natural and mild techniques to assist conception where needed, and I love educating on fertility, pregnancy and womens’ health on the TV, where you may have seen me on This Morning, Lorraine and Loose Women, as well as Channel Mum, the wider published media and also more intimate audiences at events or universities. My research interests have focussed on the effect of stress on reproductive outcomes, older age motherhood, as well as the current global injustice of inequity of access to fertility care. Because I’m so passionate about education and don’t feel there is much out there, in particular regarding fertility, I recently launched my own website www.drlarisacorda.com which offers guidance and support for all those wanting a natural empowering approach to their conception, women’s health and pregnancy.

As you may also have seen or guessed, I’m a really passionate womens’ rights ambassador that to me has always been a natural extension to my work as a doctor, with roles on a number of international charities that have included UN Women and The Circle, and I’m super honoured to be joining The Lady Garden Foundation, who align so well with my entire belief system and values. I am a huge admirer of what they have achieved in terms of helping to raise awareness of so many previously stigmatised gynaecological conditions that have traditionally been associated with taboos and where conversation has not been encouraged. Well, not any more due to these ladies! I can’t wait to work with them to help empower all women with knowledge and information about their health, as well as tackling some really difficult subjects that I know remain shrouded in stigma, so that they have the confidence to change their realities and in doing so, help to change the world around them. 

With much love,
Dr Larisa


Dafina malovska’s journey